Sunday, July 29, 2012

Friday, July 20, 2012

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Wedding Cake with Orchids

A simple but elegant wedding cake with sugar paste Orchids 

Non-Baked Strawberry Cheese Cake

Non-Baked Strawberry Cheese Cake

Iron Man

Butter Cream Iron Man Cake

Lady Bird Cake

Lady Bird Cake with Butter Cream Icing

Mango Cheese Square

Non-baked Mango Cheese Cake  

Sunway Kiwanis Club Charity Golf Tournament

Our humble contribution for Sunway Kiwanis Club Charity Golf Tournament, Carrot and Walnut Cupcakes with Cream Cheese.

Chuck and Haulier

Chuck and Haulier celebrates Jian Wen's 3rd Birthday!